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Api workflows for SaferMe V4

This document put some information together to exemplify how to use api/v4 of SaferMe to create, fetch and update reports

Base URL for Api endpoints


Any of the requests to the v4 api need to be Authenticated. To do so you will have to provide an Authorization header with an access_token created by SaferMe API.

Authorization: Token token=user_api_token
X-AppId: com.thundermaps.saferme

Use Sessions API to retrieve an access_token.

X-TeamID header need to be added with respective team_id to enable the team in the context of any request. You can get a list of the teams available for you using the list endpoint of Teams API.

Authorization: Token token=user_api_token
X-AppId: com.thundermaps.saferme
X-TeamId: 1234

Paginated endpoints

Most of index endpoints will provide the result in a paginated manner. Generally, page sizes default to 60 and max page size default to 100. To specify pagination ranges you will need to use the HTTP header Range. Examples:

To request the first 100 items on a resource: Range: objects=0-99

To request the second page of 100 records: Range: objects=100-199

To request the first single items on a resource: Range: objects=0-0

Paginated responses will include Content-Range http header from which you can get the range of the current result and usually also the total number of records in the listed resource. Its format is as follows:

Content-Range: item_identifier 0-99/233

The object_identifier will change with the resource fetched. First number is the index of the first listed item included in the which it appears in the whole list. Second number is the index of the last listed item included in the which it appears in the whole list. Third Number, the one after the slash is the total size of the whole listed resource considering the params given on the request.


Content-Range: team_users 0-0/25

First team member of 25.

Content-Range: reports 100-199/1330

List from 101st to 199th report of a total of 1330

Content-Range: reports */0

Empty list, zero items.

Content-Range: reports */5

Zero items returned of 5. Probably request out of range.

Content-Range: reports 10-29/*

List from 11th to 30th report of an undefined sized list. (Uncountable)