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Channels API

With Channels api V4 you can:

List channels

Fetch a paginated list of channels for the current user sorted by name.

Optional params:

GET /api/v4/channels?updated_after=2022-02-28T10:45:35.081+13:00&fields=-description,hazard_channel
    "id": 2,
    "uuid": "f0bea8fb-6dc8-5cd3-ac32-74de4dd36dae",
    "allow_public_comments": true,
    "allow_public_viewers": true,
    "allow_user_delete_own_reports": false,
    "are_new_reports_anonymous": false,
    "banners_enabled": false,
    "category_id": 2,
    "form_locked": false,
    "hazard_channel": false,
    "is_addon_channel": false,
    "is_manageable_by": true,
    "is_operable_by": true,
    "is_reportable_by": true,
      "mini": "missing/logos/mini.png",
      "small": "missing/logos/small.png",
      "medium": "missing/logos/medium.png",
      "large": "missing/logos/large.png",
      "huge": "missing/logos/huge.png",
    "moderated": false,
    "name": "Hazards on a leash",
    "reports_count": 0,
    "risk_controls_editability": "admins_only",
    "slug": "Cleaner streams",
    "standard_channel": false,
    "team_id": 2

Fetch a channel

Get a channel. See the optional available fields.

GET /api/v4/channels/14&fields=-description,hazard_channel
  "id": 2,
  "uuid": "f0bea8fb-6dc8-5cd3-ac32-74de4dd36dae",
  "allow_public_comments": true,
  "allow_public_viewers": true,
  "allow_user_delete_own_reports": false,
  "are_new_reports_anonymous": false,
  "banners_enabled": false,
  "category_id": 2,
  "form_locked": false,
  "hazard_channel": false,
  "is_addon_channel": false,
  "is_manageable_by": true,
  "is_operable_by": true,
  "is_reportable_by": true,
    "mini": "missing/logos/mini.png",
    "small": "missing/logos/small.png",
    "medium": "missing/logos/medium.png",
    "large": "missing/logos/large.png",
    "huge": "missing/logos/huge.png",
  "moderated": false,
  "name": "Hazards on a leash",
  "reports_count": 0,
  "risk_controls_editability": "admins_only",
  "slug": "Cleaner streams",
  "standard_channel": false,
  "team_id": 2

Create a channel

Creates one channel. Allowed fields:

POST /api/v4/channels
  "channel": {
    "name": "New channel name",
201 Created
  id: 15,
  name: "New channel name",

Update a channel

Updates the allowed fields of one single channel. Allowed fields:

PATCH /api/v4/channels/14
  "channel": {
    "name": "New name"
204 No Content

Delete a channel

Deletes one single channel.

DELETE /api/v4/channels/14
204 No Content

Available channel fields

You can use the fields parameter in any of the Channel API methods. The requested method will respond with the required fields accordingly. All fields are included by default but you can opt-out from them on request.